Monday 23 January 2017

  1. There is an old adage that says "if people are getting jealous of you, then you are probably recording success" this tend to be true because nobody can be jealous of someone who is not successful. How strange it will be you hear someone say "hey look at Mr. John he is broke and homeless and he always need financial help I want to be like him" that will be the weirdest thing ever. But the issue is, most persons that are usually envious of others are persons that have the capacity to be even greater than the person they are envious of  not but never took action. You usually hear them make comments like; he feels he is this, he feels he is that. In my country Nigeria the usual lingo used is this; he jus dey busy dey form activity, he jus dey feel himself(this simply means he is putting up an act of being busy and feeling pompous) then they usually crown it up by saying; I fit do all this things way him dey do na me no jus wan do am(this means if I wanted to do it I would I don't just feel like). To give you a little shocker the last statement is true in the sense that life is about choice and you choose not to make an impact thus you choose to remain ordinary. So, if this be the case I have a question why chose to be jealous of someone else that made the choice you rejected? It does not make sense at all and let me tell you something you may probably know the moment you get jealous of someone, you can never get to the level of success they have achieved. Instead of being green with envy, let me give you a little tip celebrate who ever has achieved something that you have not achieved and you hope maybe one day to achieve. Give them a firm handshake, thank them for being a motivation, become friends with them, ask them about their challenges on their journey towards greatness because you about to go on the same journey. This may sound like nothing, but this action alone, will move you closer towards success compared to envy which will only take you a step backwards.

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