Friday 27 January 2017

"Courage they say is not the absence of fear is taking action despite fear". An old Africa adage says "courage is well concealed fear". But, what is actually fear because all these definitions only explained courage but does not fully define fear.
Well, I say fear is simply:
F= False
E= Evidence
A= Against
R= Reality

 Now, why is fear false evidence against reality? Is simple is because what you are afraid of in true sense does not exist. Let me use an example of a little girl afraid of the dark she is not really afraid of the dark she is afraid of what she thinks may happen to her in the dark. Now, those things she think of are not truly existing are they? Well I guess we all know the answer to that. She actually creates her fear by her thought process and brings them to life. So, technically if she does not think it she won't feel the emotion of fear and this also applys to us in every scenario of our life be it starting a new business, entering a new relationship, or even parenting. We think and create our false evidence and finally place it against reality and name it fear. If we don't deal with this emotion, it has the ability of killing the dreams you most treasure, living you high and dry and you will be left with nothing but regret. The next article will be centered on how to develop the right thought process that will aid in combating fear but on until that time, keep living your dreams and see you at the top.

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