Monday 30 January 2017

Its cool to live like Bill Gates isn't it? Or if you are into actors I guess it will be cool to live like Johnny Depp to be able to afford an island right? But, I believe w for us to do that we should ask the right questions. Mostly, we only care about the success story, we know the new stuff they have bought the place they went to for a vacation or their new contribution to a foundation but, there is something we forget how they made it all happen, we forget the struggle story which is the most important. Most stars we see to no matter the field they are in had different trials on their path to success which helped to mold them into the great monument of achievement they are today. The issue is the average mind don't see it from that perspective, they just want the fruit but they tend to forget you need to get your hands in the dirt and plant the seed, nurture through dedication and hardwork to produce that sweet succulent fruit of success. Any person that won a battle must have battle scars. Those scars are there as a reminder of what happened, what he saw, what he conquered and most importantly, to inspire him to cherish and respect that battle he won either from an addiction, poverty or what ever it was that the individual was going through. To make it simpler; no success came easy and if you not ready to face the challenge then, you can't be successful because is the challenges you face that makes you a champ at the end.


  1. Success is good. But you must be ready to work for it.

  2. Self Discipline is the master of all successful principles. working without it, is like working against the wind.
