Wednesday 18 January 2017

A friend once asked why was I so different for some strange reason that I could not lay my hands on, I tried my best to convince him that I was not different. I never knew that I was doing myself much harm than good. I was putting myself in the majority box now please don't get me wrong. Am not saying is a sin being with the majority but, what I have come to realize overtime growing up is this; the majority are always closed minded and not flexible to change so they conform to societal norms. This make individuals in the majority to produce average results and not to bring out that unique spark in them. Anything that makes you different must make you stand out but when you try to hide it from the world out of fear of not been accepted you will unconsciously be dimming your spark until it eventually dies. I fought hard to win that battle of public acceptance but then I realized that the more they accepted me, the more I detested and rejected myself. In the long run I won and I accepted the fact that is was OK to have a different opinion, that is was OK to talk different, it was OK to act different and most especially that it was OK to be entirely different. Now, this is for someone out there with the same dilemma always remember this no one ever became great by following the crowd. Check the record of every great individual that ever walked the face of this earth and you will realize that the golden thread that connects them all, no matter their age, race, religion sex or philosophy was the fact that they were different. In conclusion, if whatever has being written does not make any sense to you i just want you to bear this in mind being you is enough and that is all you will ever need. Goodbye for now and see you at the top.

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