Sunday 15 January 2017

In life, it is a now a known norm that not everybody dare to take risk and achieve phenomenal height of success. But, not withstanding some people still take the calculated risk and make that huge leap of fate towards chasing their dreams. When these happens some sensors are triggered in the brain of others that perceive the path or decision chosen by the risk taker to be crazy or impossible to give unsolicited advice. I must not forget to mention the fact that this is part of our human nature and can't help it. But, what I really want to address is the fact that they offer this advice because of the way they think. Now if you are in that position I want you to know this people tell you is impossible because they have tried and could not pull it off. You agreeing with them simply means you have let them impose their capacity on you. If they were don't competent enough, that does not mean you are not also competent.
You should be able to Stand up for what you believe in.

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