Saturday 28 January 2017

One of the greatest book I know is the Bible and, there is a quote from the bible I love and this is it; "as a man thinketh so he is". Now, this is true but what the real issue is if you ask me, is not how a man thinks but rather, what makes a man think the way he does. Most people don't know that the way they think can be shaped. What shapens the thought of a man are basically the things he has seen or heard during different episodes of his existence. In my last article I wrote on fear and I said that fear, is merely false evidence created by your thought process against the actuall reality. Now using the little child that is scared of the dark as an illustration, why is she scared of the dark? There is the possibility that she has either seen a Scary movie, read a goose bumps book or listened to a scary story told by an adult. Now, what do you expect her to think when you tell her to go to bed and you switch off the lights? I believe the answer is obvious, all the scary stories, movies and books now come to play and her mind produces that as reality. If she did not listen to a scary story or see a scary movie, her mind won't produce that reality. These also apply to adults what ever you have seen or heard about business, relationship, parenting etc your mind is going to pick up either consciously or unconsciously and work on them. This makes us scared of taking major decision that would greatly change our lives. The mind is like the body; if you were to feed on chocolate everyday you are mostly likely to get diabetes or become obese. If you don't feed the mind with the right books, audios, video or even pictures and you feed it with all the negative junks, your mind will act on those junks you fed it. This goes beyond just dealing with fear, it also applys to different areas of life. So, in conclusion feed your mind with good books, listen to positive messages from audios, friends, family, see a motivational video or picture and you will be shocked how these little habits will go a long way in propelling you to success.

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