Sunday 11 June 2017


Riches which can being seen as having great possessions, abundantly supplied with resources, means or funds; wealthy; well to do; affluent  is a topic of great importance and usually controversial thus, it is no coincidence that it’s coming first on the #Mikemissilesseries. The topic has spanned arguments in all parts of the world as well as in different generations
I am looking at the topic from many standpoints in order to give a concise yet broad view of the topic. Now, I’ve heard people say that they would prefer to be rich and happy; others have said I rather die than be poor. Others believe that rich folks are greedy, wicked, and since we live in a religious society, they believe that all rich people will perish. This has made people to believe that it is spiritual to be poor and if you want to get an eternal reward you must be poor. These are just a few controversies surrounding the topic but as we forge ahead I will try as much as possible to clear the air and provide a paradigm shift to the topic
Now, looking at the topic riches from a religious angle, taking one of the most commonly practiced religion christianity you will discover written in the book of 1 timothy 5:8, clearly points out the fact that a man who does not provide for his relatives and especially members of his household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. That means God acknowledges Providence for family, and if you’re unable to provide, it makes you worse than an unbeliever. This takes us back to the notion earlier mentioned of poor people getting an eternal reward and the rich people will face eternal damnation.  Personally, I believed that while growing up and it cost me a lot of things and caused me so many set backs.
I strongly feel that most Christians have this ideology due to the story about Lazarus and the Rich man, who were poor and rich respectively in the gospel of Luke chapter 16. Now, while Lazarus made heaven, the rich man made hades and was in torment. I’ll love to point out here that the bible never recorded that it was their bank account statements that determined their lot as regards to where they went. I believed, it was the fact that the rich man never knew God and Lazarus was born again that took them to hades and heaven respectively.
I Ameh Michael, say today by virtue of this article to the Christian folks that God is an advocate of riches and of wealth. The God of Christians is not a poor God and as such does not celebrate lack. I also say that both Lazarus and the Rich man could have made heaven if he (the rich man) had known God. Christians today need embrace and strive for a life of abundance as a life of abundance is what God has in store for them.
Now for the muslim folks out there, I am not really vast in the teachings of the Qur’an but it is recorded in one of the surahs that the upper hand is better than the lower hand, meaning it is better to give than to receive. That means, Islam also promotes giving and I believe you cannot give what you do not have.

We need to come to understand that religion is not supposed to make us poor. Let us make progress in living the life of plenty and of abundance that our religion has called us to live. The next article will be centered on telling us what real riches constitute but until then, keep working towards success and see you at the top.

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