Thursday 22 June 2017

Are you aware statistics shows that the most conversation a human has is with himself. So, next time you see someone talking to himself, don’t be quick to judge that the person is losing a nut or two, it is a natural phenomenon. We all at one point or another have engaged ourselves in a conversation with ourselves, some of us even go the extra mile by staring at our reflections in the mirror while do this. Whatever way we do it, is perfectly ok because this phenomenon is very important, it is through soliloquizing that we meditate and clear our thoughts. The issue is we do not fully utilize this gift, the things you say matters a lot but most of us are not aware of that. Whatever you utter your mind ponders and work on it. I have earlier said that whatever others say don’t matter as much as what you tell yourself. If someone calls you a loser, your mind will not accept it except if you have said it before either out loud when you lament or when meditating silently, remember if there is no enemy. You should learn to say nice uplifting things about yourself, if you dream of becoming a big movie star, learn to look in the mirror and say ‘’wow I am an awesome actor’’. You may not actually be an actor, but your mind does not have the ability to differentiate between what is false and what is true, whatever you feed it, it grows on, you may not know this but your mind, tends to attract its most dominant thoughts. The more you say good things about yourself, the more your mind believes it and attract those good things to you (this will be properly discussed when we are focusing on the law of attraction).

This practice is very important as it increases the level of our self-belief so, we should make it a part of us to say positive things about every day before stepping to go about our daily activities. Firstly I recommend us all to make a list of the most positive statement we can think of. Next paste the list on your door, wall, wardrobe or wherever you please but make sure it is pasted where you can see it whenever you get up in the morning. This should be the first thing you do in the morning, if you usually pray when you get out of bed, then this should be the second thing you do.

If you are not sure of what the list should look like, here is a sample, you can choose to add to it, or say them in your own words:
The world has a need for me.

I am awesome

The least I can be is outstanding
I am unique.

I can and I will do things to promote healing in my life.

I can handle this one step at a time.

The sun is shining; I am ready to take on another day.

My problem has a solution; I will work on a plan.

I am a survivor.

I refuse to give up because I haven’t tried all possible ways.

I will inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
I am smart.

I believe I can change the world (or at least my corner of it).

I am important.

Today, I will celebrate me.

I matter.

I can find peace through prayer and meditation.

I am strong.

My confidence is beautiful.

I am imperfect but I’m perfectly me.

My smile can make someone feel better.

I choose to focus on what I can control.

Everything will work out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out yet, it’s not the end.

I am happy with who I am.

Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.

I am a good person.

I keep going because I believe in myself.

I choose to see the good in the people I interact with today.

It is always too early to give up on my goals.
I can reach out for help if I need it.

I am special; I will not change myself for anyone.

I choose hope.

The answer is right before me, even if I do not see it right now.

I am thankful for(say the things you are thankful for).

I choose to take good care of myself.

I accept myself for who I am and all that I can be.

I can make a difference.

My past does not define my future, I do.
My life is filled with possibility.

So, instead of grabbing your phone every morning to see what is new on Facebook or Instagram, try this out and you will be shocked the positive effect it will have on you. That will be all for today remember to keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

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