Monday 12 June 2017

Is a very beautiful morning in my part of the world, actually am just getting up from my bed so let me first of all say a quick good morning to you all. Also, if you reading this and is not morning over there just bear it in mind that the greeting also covers you (or you could just pretend is morning over there as).

In our previous meeting we were able to discuss and talk about the wrong ideology people have about riches or wealth and I hope we were all inspired by that. Today will be a sequel to the previous publication and we will be focusing on what real wealth/riches constitute of. At this junction I would love to add, if you happen to be joining us for the 1st time, I recommend you read the previous publication in order not to be lost along the way.

Quick question; what does real riches/wealth constitutes of? I don’t read minds but I guess 7 out of 10 persons reading this right now just thought a five letter word called M.O.N.E.Y. if this is your answer you so wrong. There is more to being wealthy than just having money. Being wealthy entails you to be successful in every area of your life. You having a robust bank account or steady cash is merely a marker or sign of success.  Let me use this analogy; someone who is suffering from a sickness like malaria usually displays some signs/symptoms like fever, red sore eyes etc. In the same way, wealth has its own markers and money just one out of the many. Now, let me shock you further among all the markers of wealth, money is the least and that is why the most common and easiest to achieve to achieve.

I believe at this point most of you would be wondering what the other markers are right.  Napoleon Hill was a great writer and one of the greatest men who found the keys to riches and did not just use them, but also taught its principle to others to use. His principles have being a guide to wealthy individuals for generations, his book can be found on the shelf of most successful individuals. In his most famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, he gave a detailed yet simple explanation of what constitutes riches

Let’s see what Napoleon Hill says constitutes real riches;

1. A positive mental attitude
You can’t be having a negative mental attitude and be rich, so I understand why this is topping the list.

2. Physical health
I understand why it is said that Health is wealth because if you don’t have good physical health, you’ll spend a fortune trying to get healthy and then go poor in the process.

3. Harmony in human relations
No man is an island of himself so you have to be in harmony with other people around you.

4. Freedom from fear

5. Hope of future achievements

6. The capacity for applied faith

7. Willingness to share ones blessings with others
8. To be engaged in the labour of love

9. An open mind towards all subjects to all people.

10. Complete self-discipline

 11.Wisdom with which to understand         people

12. Financial security aka financial freedom

These are the 12 key constitute of real riches as you can see, financial freedom is the last on the list. On this note I advise us not to be caught in the euphoria of just acquiring money and then end up not enriching ourselves in the 11 other areas mentioned. This is where I will leave you for today but until the next time we meet, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

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