Monday 6 March 2017

"I hate Mondays!!!!" Now, I won't ask if someone has ever made that statement because that was an anthem I sang every single Monday morning. I said sang because am done with that and presently I love Mondays. I guess someone would be like "Did he just say love Mondays, I think he made a mistake or something". Well, to make things clear let me repeat myself I LOVE Mondays and I am going to tell you my secret on how I made that possible and also teach you to be a lover of Mondays. Deal?

Now, how did I make that transition from hate to love? Simple. I traced it down to the root cause. I asked myself why do I hate Mondays? The answer I got maybe the same as that of most people and it was this; It is the beginning of a new week and that puts an end to my most beloved weekend. Nice reason right but was this the real reason?

A mentor of mine once said in questioning, you should go beyond just asking one question to find the real answer thus I applied this principle. I asked myself if it is because is the beginning, I should hate Sundays the actual day the week starts so why Mondays? I realized it’s because that is when the week work starts. Next question why do I hate work? Because am lazy. Lazy! That can't be right am not lazy (this was what I was saying to myself) truth they say is a bitter pill and this was one I had to swallow. It took a while though but, I came to terms with it.

 I found my answer. So, what next? I had to work on it because what I was lazy at was not work but lazy at myself. I was lazy at doing the things to make me better, I was lazy at doing the things that will develop me. Until I realized this I was stuck with my hatred for Mondays and I remained at performing average and thus was an average person. I believe this is the same for most of us still hating Mondays what we don't know is that most people we admire today really love working hard.

Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa and according to Forbes the 56th richest person during an interview was asked if is true that he works 12 hours a day and this was what he said "I don't work 12 hours daily, but 18 hours daily". I was shocked when I saw this interview this man is the richest African for God sakes and he is not taking a break talk more of me I must be crazy to be lazy because come to think of it am not even number last on Forbes list(Forbes don't even know I exist). Bill gates once worked overnight and slept under his desk he was discovered by his secretary the next morning who went in to clean the office and that was when he discovered that he has being working for close to two days. He said that in his twenties never took a day off. Well, I am not saying we should stay awake all night and sleep under our desks but if you have being an admirer of Bill Gates and what he has achieved, I believe that is not a wrong step.

I studied most of the successful people in different fields and I discovered this holds true for all of them. They develop a strong work ethic different from the average individual and stick to them. It is said at some point hard work beats talent and this is true as it has being observed over and over again. These are the things I saw that made me become a lover of Mondays because let’s face it nobody ever made it by saying TGIF every weekend. I have thrown that phrase out of my register and now this is what I say TGIM (Thank God Is Monday) and guess what I now hate Fridays! It may sound funny to you but that is the way it is now because Friday's plan is to take away my beloved working week and bring in a lazy weekend.

So this was how I started a love affair with Monday it may not be what you expected but I hope you learn from it and apply it. That will be all for now so just keep working hard on your journey to success in whatever field you're in and I will definitely see you at the top.

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