Wednesday 1 March 2017

For any resolve made to be a habit you need to have discipline and be committed to that new discipline otherwise, you will never ever get the desired results. This fact as established in our previous article poses the big question: How can someone develop discipline?  Now, I took a little time out, did a little asking around and observed that most of the people I approached associated lack of discipline with lack of will. I guess most people reading this article right now will think that is true. Well, it is not. People that are not disciplined in the real sense don’t lack the will. The only problem is that they are just willing You need something more than a will power. In the Christian community there is this popular saying that ‘The spirit is willing but the body is weak’  will-power can only be enough to get you started but you need something stronger than a will power called a ‘WHY power’.
 What is a why-power? This is simply the reason why you are embarking on a particular course. If you do not find a suitable reason why, you will always start up something new and quit eventually. Finding the reason why gives purpose to your quest. Rarely does a person with a purpose quit. There was a story of a lady whose son was trapped under a car, the weight of the car was crushing on her little boy, while folks around were trying to call 911 and calm her down, she pulled away from their grip, rushed and lifted up the car and pulled her son out, by herself.

Now in a different setting the woman is to lift the car. Would she be able to do it? I believe the answer is no.  So, what has changed? It is the same woman, the same car, the only difference is that no son to rescue.

Here is to WHY she was able to do it before. She saw her son who gave her a reason for being a mother, her embodiment of joy and happiness and probably her reason for living in a death trap, she had a reason and that was all it took. Finding a reason WHY gives an adrenaline rush to whatever you want to do the ‘why’ is much stronger than the ‘will’. That is why I say ‘when there is a will there is a way but when there is a why you will create a way even when there is no way’.

 If you have not found a reason why search deep within you to find one and this will be a great catalyst on your journey to success. So keep living at your full potential and see you all at the top!
 Kpahimee (that is goodbye in Igede language)

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