Tuesday, 11 July 2017

When we talk about association, it’s Imbedded in your environment. In all of my experience in life, I’ve never seen a winner associate with a loser and not become one. Keeping the right company can make you grow, but it also has the capacity to retard your growth and make you counter productive. Lions don’t Hang around squirrels, neither do Kings have an affiliation with slaves,

Your success in career and life generally is tied around the company you keep so I urge you to keep the right kind of friends and together you guys can achieve success while growing into the people you’re meant to be. Yesterday we spoke about the kind of friends you keep and their different effect on your progress. Now, see this video that further illustrates that:

So, learn to be more loyal to your purpose, than the people the hang around you, don't be afraid to cut off any unhealthy relationship or association as you work towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

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