Monday, 17 July 2017

Is Monday morning, and according to the facts I have gathered is one of the hated days of the week if not the most hated. For the student is a day to go back to the classroom, for the working class, is time for the annoying customers and don't let me get started on your boss.

So someone asked me how to deal with a horrible boss and I the best way to do that is to not have a boss at all. He told me he was working on it, but in the mean time any tips on dealing with his would help.
So this is what i said to him "The truth is you can't deal with your boss, you can only manage and be diplomatic with him and hope he returns the favour".  Well, I believe luck was on his side, because a friend of mine was doing a bit of a light reading and stumbled on this, which I will share with you all:

6 Solid Ways To Put Up With A Difficult Boas

Dealing with a difficult boss can be entirely frustrating, but thankfully there are some ways to successfully put up with it. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 6 ways to put up with a difficult boss.

Understand Their ‘Why’
It easier to deal with a difficult boss when you are able to understand their ‘prime motivations’, that is, the reason they do what they do. The more you understand this, the more you will be able to manage your expectations, deliver the desired results and successfully deal with your difficult boss. Try to figure out what drives your boss; figure out his/her concerns, core values and priorities; try to know understand what he/she cares about; what frightens he/she; what kind of person is he/she; and how does he/she measures success.

Work Around Their Weaknesses
In trying to understand your boss, you’ll gain some insight into his/her weaknesses. When you do, you then need to go a step further and learn to work around such weaknesses and as much as possible, try to make the best of it to favour your work. This because making your boss look bad or going to war with him/her might be very bad for you and damage your reputation. If your boss is disorganized, rather than complaining about it, try to keep things as organized as possible. If your boss is forgetful or slow to respond, ensure you find a way to document all interactions with him/her and continue with your work while you wait to hear back from him/her. Regardless of whatever weakness your boss has, you should settle down, think and try to find a way around it. You almost always will.

Be The Better Person
This will speak a lot for your reputation and do more for you than confronting your boss and letting his/her bad behaviour get to you. Avoid letting your boss’s bad behaviour influence and dictate your own behaviour. As much as possible try to remain respectful and professional, in other words, take the high road. Refuse the temptation to slack off, lose interest or stop performing, all because your boss does so. This is because successfully handling a difficult boss positively sets you apart, and the truth is you never know who’s watching or listening and who you’re impressing with your resilience.
Adapt To Them But Never Cower
Yes, it’s important to observe your boss’s behavioural styles, preferences and pet peeves, and learn to adapt to them by finding ways to deal with them, but you are not to lose your sense of independence and allow your boss bully you and make you cower in fear. You must always stand firm, keep your head held high and refuse to let your boss push you around. Just make sure you do the best job you can, ask questions where you need to and try to understand and mitigate difficult situations, but never cower in fear to your boss or allow your boss make you lose your temper.

You Can Try To Talk To Them
Sometimes, your boss might not mean to be such a nightmare, he/she might not even know that they are doing anything wrong. Just remember that there is an option of voicing your concerns to your boss and engaging in a mature conversation about how the situation can be improved. Avoid being judgmental and assuming your boss can’t take feedback or just doesn’t care. The only thing you need to be mindful of here is the personality type of your boss, that is, how mature he/she is to handle being talked to and worked with to find ways to move forward with the situation.
If the situation with your boss is beyond bad and your boss’s behaviour has become not only difficult but even abusive, it might be advisable to report to the management. However, you should try as much as possible to let this be the last resort after you’ve tried all else

So there you

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

When ever you come up with a brilliant idea, or you have something on your mind and you need a second opinion who do you usually run to for counsel? Is quite common in most cases to seek the advice of a family member, why? Because they are family and who else who care and love us more than family right. Today on the series we'll be looking at association as it relates to family and blood relatives. Family in this context refers to people who share one or both parents and these people play very significant roles in who we become in future.

I know of a friend who till today suffers from a lack of ability to express himself due to the fact that he was always sh

ut down and that affected his self Worth's. Family is so important that their role in who we ultimately become cannot be overlooked and sometimes they "kill" the greatness in us even without knowing it.

Here are some of the ways you can deal with family members who talk you down and find it hard to see anything great in what you do;

1. Centering yourself before interactions:
Before you call or visit such family member, take a few minutes to calm and center yourself. Take some slow, deep breaths or even meditate for a few minutes. Entering into a potentially hostile interaction when you are calm and centered is one of the most effective ways to guarantee the best possible outcome.

2. Keeping the conversation light:
To deal with these family members effectively, it’s always a good idea to keep the conversation light and happy. You can’t depend on toxic or negative people to respond to serious problems and issues in a positive, beneficial way, so why bother trying?
Instead, stick to conversation topics that you know both of you can enjoy and be happy discussing. Some may call this “walking on eggshells,” but I prefer looking at it more as “letting sleeping dogs lie.”
Contrary to what many people think, “talking about our problems” doesn’t help anything. Positive conversations are generally a much better approach for strained relationships.

3. Abandoning negative conversations:
Does it annoy you when you’re talking to your aunt and she starts to pick on you about not being married yet, or making fun of your job? When this happens, it’s time to put the phone down.
When conversations take a turn for the negative, there’s no sense in taking the bait and getting wound into an argument. Politely tell your aunt “well, look at the time, I really need to get going!” and excuse yourself from the conversation.
Don’t react to comments you don’t want to hear, and you will start to hear less of them. If you refuse to give your family members an audience for their hurtful comments, they will start to speak to you differently in order to keep your attention.

4. Expressing your concerns without accusation:
There will likely be times that your  family members do things that are very hurtful, and in times like these you might feel compelled to stand up for yourself. If you feel that a confrontation is necessary, please tread lightly. Hashing things out must be done respectfully, so that the conversation helps to mend the relationship, rather than escalating into an even greater issue.
For example, when we are upset, many of us tend to say things like “Dad, you’re always talking about my weight and trying to embarrass me!” and while this might be true, you have just accused your father of
intentionally trying to hurt you, and he will likely take offense to this accusation.
Instead of saying “I’m sorry,” you’re much more likely to hear your dad yell “I’m not trying to embarrass you! It was just a joke, why are you so sensitive!?” Then, instead of a resolution, you have a whole new argument on your hands.
In order to be heard and supported more fully from your family members, it is better to stick to non-accusatory “I feel” statements. For example, “Dad, when you talk about how much weight I’ve gained, I feel hurt and upset.”
By using an “I feel” statement, you express your feelings without accusing your family member of having bad intentions. People are much more likely to respond to an “I feel” statement with compassion and understanding.

5. Resisting the urge to people please:
So often when we are in annoying family relationships, we have been trained into becoming people pleasers, and our dysfunctional family members have learned how to push our buttons to get us to call more, visit more frequently, and provide favors we aren’t particularly interested in providing.
Don’t be afraid to say “no,” when you really don’t want to do something. That “no” you feel is a sign from your intuition telling you that this request is a bad idea, so listen to it!
Many people are hesitant to tell their family members “no” because they are afraid of dealing with the reaction they will get. However, if you can start doing this routinely, you will find that your family members will change how they interact with you. If they know that you are unlikely to respond to manipulation and guilt tactics, they will eventually stop using them on you.
Be strong, and stick to your guns the first few times, and saying “no” will get easier and easier for you.

6. Focusing on your family member’s positive qualities:
This one might seem a bit strange at first, but it’s a fantastic strategy. So often, we notice and complain about our family members’ worst qualities, but this only brings us more of the things we don’t like.
According to the Law of Attraction , you get what you are thinking about, so the more you think and complain about behaviors you don’t like-the more of them you will see! So, to start to turn things around, change how you look at your dysfunctional family members. Secondly if you continually see and observe the negative, it only means you are a negative person as well and you not quite different from your family.
Instead of noticing that your mom talks down to you and compares you to your brother, reach for more pleasing observations of her. Notice how clean she keeps her house, the nice gifts that she’s brought you or how well she plays with your younger siblings. By focusing on her positive qualities, you will start to see more of the good in your mom, and less of the bad.

When it comes to friends you can pick or discard at any point in terms of association but when it comes to family, you are not even given the chance to choose. So, the best thing you can do is to manage and avoid as much as possible. Show them love and care but don't let me drag you down or steal your dream, though you belong to a family  you came into this universe alone, and at the end of the day you will go six feet under alone so is your life and not theirs they just happened to be part of it. So until the next time, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

When we talk about association, it’s Imbedded in your environment. In all of my experience in life, I’ve never seen a winner associate with a loser and not become one. Keeping the right company can make you grow, but it also has the capacity to retard your growth and make you counter productive. Lions don’t Hang around squirrels, neither do Kings have an affiliation with slaves,

Your success in career and life generally is tied around the company you keep so I urge you to keep the right kind of friends and together you guys can achieve success while growing into the people you’re meant to be. Yesterday we spoke about the kind of friends you keep and their different effect on your progress. Now, see this video that further illustrates that:

So, learn to be more loyal to your purpose, than the people the hang around you, don't be afraid to cut off any unhealthy relationship or association as you work towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Do you know this saying: "show me your friends and i will tell you who you are" well that is old, the new quote now says: "show me your friends and i will show you where you are going". This shows how powerful the people you associate with is as they have the ability to shape your future. A dictionary defines association as the act of association or being connected with someone or something. A renowned speaker and a personal mentor; Fela Durotoye defines association as what or who you spend more of your time with. It is stated that you are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with and it’s really true coz I remember my days in the university, I was struggling academically when I was going all alone, but I was later introduced to a couple of “scholars”(a word we use to refer to folks that are academically intelligent) which later increased my academic performance.

The impact of who you associate with can’t be underestimated as even animals, fishes and birds understand this phenomenon. An eagle never associates with a pigeon just as a whale never associates with a tilapia, they are obviously not of the same ranking and can never be seen together.

Bringing it home to Youths of this generation, if you know and you’re convinced that you’re destined for greatness, there are some people whom you may just have to stay away from and this is because every association does one of the following to you;

Add to you; Some people could make you become better, improve your abilities, your confidence and also your level of significance. These kinds of people make you much better. A good example sited above are the friends I me in the university which I mentioned above.

Subtract from you; These ones are always taking from you, and you never gain anything from associating with them. They borrow from you and never give back, they take stuff from you without your knowledge, and you just loose stuff while around them.

Divide you; These kind of friends have a drastic and exponential negative effect on you. Take for instance; you share an idea with them, they steal it, or you ask them to listen to a song you wrote and the next moment you find your lyrics on their own song. You need to stay away from these kinds of people as they’ll make sure they convert everything that’s supposed to come to you.

Multiply you; These are the kind of friends I love to talk about. Just being around them edifies you. They make you know that everything is achievable, you share with them a business idea which you want to run within campus and they give you reasons why you need to take it to a national level. They do everything within their power to endeavor that things are always getting better with you.

Until we come your way tomorrow for another dose of #Mikemissilesseries that will #brainwash to success I leave you to ponder on this, I want you to take a time out and conduct an exercise; try to identify your friends that add to you, those that subtract from you, those that multiply and those that divide. Once you find the answer, I believe you know what to.
Have a great Monday, and stay Positive keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Good morning friends,  you know there are some topics that you can't avoid revisiting, and today's topic is one of such. We’ll be talking about the fear of failing because from observation, this is one of the factors that affects the driving force of an individual. So, Without further ado, let’s do justice to it as soon as possible.

Before going any further, I’ll like us to define our main text; FAILURE.
Failure as defined by a dictionary is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success. To me, failure is simply not reaching your expectations.
In our contemporary society today, we find a lot of young people who do everything humanly possible to make sure that they’re not tagged as failures, it’s not a bad thing to not want to fail but the bad part is that we don’t even try anymore because we’re too scared of failing. Now, from my perspective, failing actually does something for you and guys believe it or not it teaches one the wrong way of doing something.
The man who invented the bulb 💡 we’re celebrating today, imagine how he felt when he failed the first, and second, and third and kept on failing until over a hundred times and he finally ran out of wrong ways before finding the right way.

A favorite quote says "you loose a hundred percent of the shots you do not take". And even worse, you don’t learn the lesson you should have learned from the failing experience and so it’s a double loss.
If you follow successful men, you’ll observed that they all failed at something at one time or another, but they kept pushing and never gave up, they fought the battle with their minds and told themselves that failing a couple of times doesn’t make you a failure, but refusing to engage because of a previous failure makes you one. The only thing is this, if you want to fail, you must fail creatively and what do I mean by that; Albert Einstein said " insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". If you are to fail at something, let it be that you are failing at  a new strategy or method of achieving your desired result. In that way, you will eliminate all the method involved in solving a problem.

I leave you with a saying from one of my favorite speakers that says, “show me a man who is afraid of failing, and I’ll show you a man who will never be successful”.
From all of us here, we say have a fun filled Friday, and don’t loose sight of what you’ve set to achieve and we’ll definitely see you at the top.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

They say the two greatest moment in a man's life are: the day is born and the day he finds his purpose. The latter is usually the hardest. People who possess powerful driving force usually have a stronger purpose.  Purpose for me is simply the reason you exist. Believe it or not, everyone on this planet earth, has a reason for their existence and it is really important you find yours.

Purpose affects every area of one's life. From the way you talk, walk, and even the way you wake up is all affected by it. People with purpose for their lives practically jump out of bed while people without purpose become friends with the snooze button when the alarm rings. I met a lady once, and I asked her what is the next big thing for her. This is a question we normally ask around here when one someone is about to round up his/her 1st degree program from the university. She replied in pidgin "I go go service first then after service, I go try find husband marry then maybe the guy go open provision shop way I go dey sale dey take care of house"(for those not grounded in pidgin, it simply means she plans to find herself a husband after a one year of compulsory service the her nation, then hope her husband open up a kiosk where she can retail goods). Jeez! I was left speechless. Suddenly, I started understanding most of her actions, she always spoke about marriage, she was in one relationship or another, because what she has decided to be her purpose is to get married. The greatest epiphany I had that day is the fact that she is just one out of a million ladies thinking this way.

The male folks don't smile yet because you guys are also guilty of this, most young guys of today are waiting on relatives to make their dreams of being independent come through, that is their purpose. Please don't get me wrong, all what I have stated above are purpose, but they are weak and poor purpose and are products of poor driving force. You can't let your life's purpose be in the hands of an unknown future husband or a kind hearted relative, more or less you have placed your life and future in their hands

Your purpose is not about getting a good paying job or a good man to marry, it is way beyond that. Your purpose is the role you have to play in Life and on earth. Your purpose is your legacy and what you will be remembered for when you gone. Your purpose should bring value to humanity and not just yourself. In simple words your purpose is the reason why you were born and the vacuum you were created to fill.

Lastly, don't feel is to late to find your purpose, it is true great minds like Michael Jackson discovered his at the tender age of 5 and Ludwig Beethoven discovered his at 8. But some other people discovered theirs pretty late(or so the world thought) a shining example is the great Colonel Harland David Sander the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken who discovered his at the age of 65, Morgan Freeman scored his first big movie role at the age 50. So, is never too late just keep searching within you and you will find your purpose. So, like I always say when I want to live, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Monday, 3 July 2017

For me, this was the greatest lesson I learnt from the animated cartoon "The Lion King".
Some years ago, I used to get worried over little things, things that are ordinarily ‘worryless’. I realized later that the more I dwell on these needless matters, the higher my blood pressure becomes, the uglier I become and the more worried I become. Then I decided not to be worried over them anymore. But how could I live a worry-free life? I chose to do or/and not to do these 3 things I am sharing with you. Here they are:

Say “I am sorry” When You Are Wrong
One act that has become a part of me is to apologize. As a matter of fact, I did that to a junior friend about an hour ago. I say it to my colleagues, at work, to my friends to my neighbors and even to my students. The moment I find I am wrong, I say sorry without taking long or thinking twice. The other day, I had a poor encounter with a young lady and after realizing it, i went to her house and told her I was sorry for my misdeed and it was all over. She even appreciated it because she was surprised. If I had not done that, I would still be carrying that luggage around and invariably giving myself a heavy heart. So, say sorry whenever you are wrong. It takes nothing away from you.
“If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically”- Dale Carnegie

Never Expect “Thank You” or Anything from Anyone
It’s time to confess this. I was a long time landlord in the Expectancy Estate, always looking forward to hear a beneficiary say, ‘thank you’ to me. I lived in that estate so much that I built a mansion there. But thank goodness for self-development that made me realize this: The more you expect things from anyone and you don’t get it, the more worried and disturbed you become. Thus, lower your expectations from people or if possible, expect nothing from them. That was my saving grace. Today, instead of expecting a ‘thank you’ from anyone, I am the first to say it first. And when he thanks me first, I reply with this phrase, “Thank you for thanking me”. In essence, never expect thanks from anyone because if you expect it and don’t get it, it infuriates you.
“Blessed are those who do not expect anything for they will not be disappointed” – Akeh Solomon

Inform One Who Offends You
If you want your life to be full of worry, always keep grudges in your mind. Somebody, to paraphrase said that: the world would be a better place if we talk to each other instead of talking about each other. This is very true, walk-up to anyone that offended you, nicely, calmly and responsibly tell him how he wronged you. Except you did it wrongly (or that the person is a serial wrongdoer) he would appreciate it. It he’s an elderly person or a boss, what can you do? I don’t know but for me, I do tell a mate and that gets if off my head and mind and I become free!

“Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you cannot change” – Akeh Solomon .

More or less we should strive to live a life of no worry, is not easy since it opposes our human nature, but this is my philosophy that prevents me from pouting: "worrying is like praying for something you don't want to happen" so less frowns and more smiles as you work towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Is a new week and also a beautiful morning over here, so like I always recommend let us start the week on a high note. But for you to kick off the week, excited and fired up, you need a driving force.
So what is driving force? This is the impetus, power or energy behind something in motion.
In our context, I say it’s the reason behind your accomplishments, your success, your portfolio.
It is the force that tells you that you can’t be at the bottom, its what tells you that you’re supposed to be better than what or where you are. It tells you that you can achieve more than just mediocrity and pushes you accordingly.
Without a healthy force driving you, you’re surely not going anywhere new nor achieving anything new, or even attaining any heights.
I was with a friend a couple of days before and he spoke about how many young people are caught in a situation where they neither want to move forward or retreat backwards. It then occurred to me that what they lacked was a healthy force to drive them into who they should be.
Growing up, I got to know that to achieve anything spectacular, you should either be chasing after something or something should be chasing after you. It’s much safer for you to be inline with the former than the latter because you tend to be under a lesser degree of pressure thereby making you more productive.
I heard the story of a king who wanted to give out his daughter in marriage and had set a date for all eligible men to compete for her hand. On the said day, all the gentlemen gathered only to find out that the test was a swim across a stream full of crocodiles and they then decided to go back home. Just as they were leaving, a heave splash was heard and behold was a young man in the water. The man swam like never before, he swam  like his life depended on it coz it actually did. Finally he made it to the other side of the river and had just swam his way to being the lings Inlaw. When he got out, everyone wanted to ask him how he managed to make it across the water but he said he had only one thing to say and behold he asked, “who pushed me” ?
Unfortunately, this is the case of many young people today, they’re not ready to take the jump coz they think they won’t make it across the river.

Two things are involved in driving people to succeed;
Fear of failing
Thirst for success
It is much better to pick on any of the two and make it your source of drive, what’s important is that you should succeed. But I highly recommend the second.
Some healthy qualities that would help you in the quest to help your driving force are;
Be practical and not emotional
Have a wild imagination and be creative
Have a futuristic vision
Be a doer not a talker
Be an advocate of self discipline
Be independent
Be patient
Be determined
Be self motivated
Finally, love what you do.

That’s all for today on the series; so find something, someone or a reason to be your driving force. As the week progress, we will be shooting more missiles related to the topic, so stay with us not to miss out but until then, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.