Wednesday, 28 June 2017

When someone who has a lot of activities, that all demand his or her time wants to get organized what does that individual usually do? Well, is simple get a to do list. Most of us at one point or another may have had a to do list,  you know that good old list where we write down what we intend to do, and once we achieve a particular task we check it. The to do list is very helpful, though is has its limitations. The problem with the to do list is this, it makes you feel like you have alot to do with very little time, most people end up doing the easy tasks in order to have more items checked on the list. This is not right, the aim of the list is not about making you feel like you have done alot, rather is to make you attend to issues at their level of priority. Today, we will be presenting to you a new kind of to do list, which have being proven to be highly effective in maximizing time while you execute your tasks.

Time management is not very difficult as a concept, but it’s surprisingly hard to do in practice. It requires the investment of a little time upfront to prioritise and organise yourself. But once done, you will find that with minor tweaks, your day, and indeed your week and month, fall into place in an orderly fashion, with time for everything you need to do.
The Key to Good Time Management
Understanding The Difference Between Urgent and Important
‘ Urgent ’ tasks demand your immediate attention, but whether you actually give them that attention may or may not matter.
' Important ' tasks matter, and not doing them may have serious consequences for you or others.
For example:
Answering the phone is urgent. If you don’t do it, the caller will ring off, and you won’t know why they called. It may, however, be an automated voice from your service provider telling you of their new products and services and you agree with me when i say that’s not important.
Going for medical check up regularly is important (or so we’re told). If you don’t, you may get infected with a disease, or other health problems. But it’s not urgent. If you leave it too long, however, it may become urgent, because you may breakdown.
Picking your children up from school is both urgent and important. If you are not there at the right time, they will be waiting in the playground or the classroom, worrying about where you are.
Reading funny emails or checking Facebook is neither urgent nor important. So why is it the first thing that you do each day?
minimising distractions to help you recognise and avoid other things that may distract you from getting your urgent and important tasks done.
This distinction between urgent and important is the key to prioritising your time and your workload, whether at work or at home.
Try using a grid, like the priority matrix, to organise your tasks into their appropriate categories like the one above.

 Talking about time, at this point, there is something important that demands my urgent attention so permit me leave you. Like I always say keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top olebonchi(that is good bye in Idoma language).

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Do you have that feeling of 24hrs not being enough? Well if you do, this one is for you and trust me when I say I understand, because the feeling is mutual. So, let just get down to business and not let time slip away from since we just have 24 hours and is it not enough.
But, if we were to face reality, we would realize is not time about time being insufficient, it is about knowing how well to treat time with the respect it demands. As it is said in economics, "resources are scarce and thus there is a need to manage our limited resources" this Idls very true, so guess which tops the scarcity list, well is not money as everyone thinks, time amongst all resources is scarce and very limited in supply, thus proper management is required for its full optimization and utility. Bearing this fact in mind, this particular piece is dedicated to offering 10 easy steps which will aid you in organization and management of your time.
As humans, you may be frequently interrupted or pulled in different directions. While you cannot eliminate interruptions, you do get a say on how much time you will spend on them and how much time you will spend on the thoughts, conversations and actions that will lead you to success.
1. Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. This will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where your precious moments are going. You'll see how much time is actually spent producing results and how much time is wasted on unproductive thoughts, conversations and actions.
2. Any activity or conversation that's important to your success should have a time assigned to it. To-do lists get longer and longer to the point where they're unworkable. Appointment books work. Schedule appointments with yourself and create time blocks for high-priority thoughts, conversations, and actions. Schedule when they will begin and end. Have the discipline to keep these appointments.
3. Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the thoughts, activities and conversations that produce most of your results.
4. Schedule time for interruptions. Plan time to be pulled away from what you're doing. Take, for instance, the concept of having "office hours." Isn't "office hours" another way of saying "planned interruptions?"
5. Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time.
6. Take five minutes before every call and task to decide what result you want to attain. This will help you know what success looks like before you start. And it will also slow time down. Take five minutes after each call and activity to determine whether your desired result was achieved. If not, what was missing? How do you put what's missing in your next call or activity?
7. Put up a "Do not disturb" sign when you absolutely have to get work done.
8. Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they show up. Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give people your attention unless it's absolutely crucial in your business to offer an immediate human response. Instead, schedule a time to answer email and return phone calls.
9. Block out other distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media unless you use these tools to generate business.
10. Remember that it's impossible to get everything done. Also remember that odds are good that 20 percent of your thoughts, conversations and activities produce 80 percent of your results.

These are simple steps that could be practiced by almost anyone, you may not notice any remarkable improvement from the start, but assure you that if you are able to keep to these little disciplines, you will be shocked at the compound effect overtime. Now, permit me to take a bow an leave you guys for today, so stay positive, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Chances are good that, at some time in your life, you've taken a time management class, read about it in books, and tried to use an electronic or paper-based day planner to organize, prioritize and schedule your day. "Why, with this knowledge and these gadgets," you may ask, "do I still feel like I can't get everything done I need to?"
The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time if you have not put it into practice or if you had quit at one point along the way.
To start with, most people don't know what time means thus how can you manage something you don't know?
Before you can even begin to manage time, you must learn what time is. A dictionary defines time as "the point or period at which things occur." Put simply, time is when stuff happens.
There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In clock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. All time passes equally. When someone turns 50, they are exactly 50 years old, no more or no less.
In real time, all time is relative. Time flies or drags depending on what you're doing. Two hours at the Department of Motor Vehicles can feel like 12 years. And yet our 12-year-old children seem to have grown up in only two hours.Which time describes the world in which you really live, real time or clock time?
The reason time management gadgets and systems don't work is that these systems are designed to manage clock time. Clock time is irrelevant . You don't live in or even have access to clock time. You live in real time, a world in which all time flies when you are having fun or drags when you are doing your taxes.
The good news is that real time is mental. It exists between your ears. You create it. Anything you create, you can manage. It's time to remove any self-sabotage or self-limitation you have around "not having enough time," or today not being "the right time" to start a business or manage your current business properly.
There are only three ways to spend time: thoughts, conversations and actions. Regardless of the type of business you own, your work will be composed of those three items. Don't use all your time planing and you end up not doing, what is needed to be done to achieve success. So, learn to  utilize your time as you work towards success, and I will definitely see you at the top. Bye until we meet again.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Are you aware statistics shows that the most conversation a human has is with himself. So, next time you see someone talking to himself, don’t be quick to judge that the person is losing a nut or two, it is a natural phenomenon. We all at one point or another have engaged ourselves in a conversation with ourselves, some of us even go the extra mile by staring at our reflections in the mirror while do this. Whatever way we do it, is perfectly ok because this phenomenon is very important, it is through soliloquizing that we meditate and clear our thoughts. The issue is we do not fully utilize this gift, the things you say matters a lot but most of us are not aware of that. Whatever you utter your mind ponders and work on it. I have earlier said that whatever others say don’t matter as much as what you tell yourself. If someone calls you a loser, your mind will not accept it except if you have said it before either out loud when you lament or when meditating silently, remember if there is no enemy. You should learn to say nice uplifting things about yourself, if you dream of becoming a big movie star, learn to look in the mirror and say ‘’wow I am an awesome actor’’. You may not actually be an actor, but your mind does not have the ability to differentiate between what is false and what is true, whatever you feed it, it grows on, you may not know this but your mind, tends to attract its most dominant thoughts. The more you say good things about yourself, the more your mind believes it and attract those good things to you (this will be properly discussed when we are focusing on the law of attraction).

This practice is very important as it increases the level of our self-belief so, we should make it a part of us to say positive things about every day before stepping to go about our daily activities. Firstly I recommend us all to make a list of the most positive statement we can think of. Next paste the list on your door, wall, wardrobe or wherever you please but make sure it is pasted where you can see it whenever you get up in the morning. This should be the first thing you do in the morning, if you usually pray when you get out of bed, then this should be the second thing you do.

If you are not sure of what the list should look like, here is a sample, you can choose to add to it, or say them in your own words:
The world has a need for me.

I am awesome

The least I can be is outstanding
I am unique.

I can and I will do things to promote healing in my life.

I can handle this one step at a time.

The sun is shining; I am ready to take on another day.

My problem has a solution; I will work on a plan.

I am a survivor.

I refuse to give up because I haven’t tried all possible ways.

I will inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
I am smart.

I believe I can change the world (or at least my corner of it).

I am important.

Today, I will celebrate me.

I matter.

I can find peace through prayer and meditation.

I am strong.

My confidence is beautiful.

I am imperfect but I’m perfectly me.

My smile can make someone feel better.

I choose to focus on what I can control.

Everything will work out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out yet, it’s not the end.

I am happy with who I am.

Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.

I am a good person.

I keep going because I believe in myself.

I choose to see the good in the people I interact with today.

It is always too early to give up on my goals.
I can reach out for help if I need it.

I am special; I will not change myself for anyone.

I choose hope.

The answer is right before me, even if I do not see it right now.

I am thankful for(say the things you are thankful for).

I choose to take good care of myself.

I accept myself for who I am and all that I can be.

I can make a difference.

My past does not define my future, I do.
My life is filled with possibility.

So, instead of grabbing your phone every morning to see what is new on Facebook or Instagram, try this out and you will be shocked the positive effect it will have on you. That will be all for today remember to keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

I hope we are all fired up for the gifts and treasure today have in store for us? Bear in mind that every new day is an opportunity to do something new, make something new, or learn something new. So don't let today's opportunity slip away. Yesterday we spoke about emptying our minds of negative thoughts and filling it up with positive thoughts. Today's focus will be on how to continually fuel your mind with optimism in order to remain positive. So, if you are joining us for the first time, I recommend you read the previous publications to avoid getting lost as we proceed.

We mentioned in our discussion yesterday that we are all born positive minded but by virtue of our environment, we pick up negativity as we grow up. This simply implies that we live in a very negative environment, it is said that two things makes up a man; his DNA and his environment. This goes to show that environment, plays a very vital role in shaping and molding an individual, so how can one stay positive in a very negative environment you may ask. For you to stay positive, you have to create an environment that is full of positivity. This particular is applied in different fields, sectors or areas of society, for example if you were to go into a church, mosque or a religious structure, the environment have being setup to give you the feeling that you are in a sacred, holy place and immediately you step in, you shape your mind to be in one accord with the environment, the same thing with a library, or even when you walk into a wine bar. What ever area of society, the environment is usually setup to suit its purpose. In the same way, an individual should structure his environment to make him stay positive. On like those other areas whereas their environment, is just basically building, what makes up the human environment is different, remember the human mind feeds on what it hears, sees and says, thus when influencing your environment, these should be taken into consideration. The following are the basic things that constitute a human environment;

RELATIONSHIPS: this comprises of friendship, family, organizations etc, we are mostly influenced by the individuals we hang around, what they say, or do affect us positively or negatively, as the suffix implies every relationship is like a ship, in a ship we have the propeller, which boost and move the ship forward, and there is also the anchor, that slows down the ship and brings it to a halt. Learn to identify relationships that are anchors in your life and cut them off your ship. This is an entirely broad subject and we will thoroughly, discuss it when we are dealing with association.

MEDIA/LIBRARY: this comprises of videos, audios, pictures, and books. We should spend more times listening to audios that inspires us, watch videos that educate us in what ever field or venture we are interested in, read books that keep our believe strong. This is the 21st century, more than half of the world's population have a smartphone, and most of us have a headset which we use to listen to music, if we could devote the time we use in listening to music, to listen to something educational or inspiring, you will be shocked how motivated you will be. While using the social media like Facebook, Instagram etc, learn to follow pages and people with sound content. If you want to watch a YouTube video let it be one that makes you feel positive and not one to bring you down. The list goes on and on, whatever makes up your media should be something to inspire you and not make you feel low.

Lastly, we should all try to have a personal space, more like a study room or closet. This space should serve as your sanctuary, here you can paste write ups like  your personal affirmation statements, your vision, your goals, etc. This space should be used for meditation, and planning of your next step of action. The space should act as your power house, when ever your energy level drops, go into this room recite your affirmation statements, look at your vision and meditate on them, you will be surprised the effect it will have on you and your believe system.

Before I go, I want us to try this out; take out time today and try to identify associations that are propellers, and those that are anchors, once you find out the anchors, I believe you know what to do. Goodbye for now, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

One of the things I usually look forward to is this moment; to talk and connect with all of you via this wonderful platform, I hope we all feel the same or at least something close to that. Our previous discussion was centred on self belief and I mentioned that, we will focus on learning and developing our self belief. So, without further ado let's get cracking.

"Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice". This was said by the late Steve Jobs in 2005, at Stanford University in his commencement speech. He said plenty but, there was something about this statement that made it standout in my thoughts. What this statement pointed out is the fact that what others say don't matter, it is your own inner voice that is important. This is the 1st step to acquiring self belief, remember we said that self belief is all about positive thinking, and your positive thoughts come from your inner voice, this means you have to learn to listen to your inner voice. The only tragedy is this, most of us have being filled up with so much negativity to such a level that, our inner voices are nothing but doubts and words that demoralizes us. So, when we want to listen to our inner voice, we hear things like "are you sure you can do it", "what if you fail", "you know you are not meant to be great" etc. At the end of the day, our inner voices is no different to the noise from the outside. Now, let me tell you this, all those voices of doubts and negativity you hear inside your head, are not yours. They have being planted in your head by what your environment continually feed you with. Humans are not born negative minded, negativity is something learnt while growing up. If you can cast your mind back, to the period when you were a kid, you will realize that nothing seemed impossible for you, this was not because you were a kid it was because your positive mind had not yet being corrupted by the negative environment.

 So, for you to develop self belief you have to empty your mind of all negativity, as a friend of mine will say, you have to return to your default setting. Everything starts from the mind, you can't have a positive attitude with the same negative mindset, you can't have a positive result with a negative mindset as well. The same way you feed your body with good nutrients to stay healthy, the same way you should feed your mind, and how to you feed your mind? Well, that will be a topic for tomorrow, so if you want to know how to feed your mind to stay positive, keep a date with me tomorrow but until then, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top

Monday, 19 June 2017

‘What will you do if you realize that you can’t fail?’ I saw this question on a photo on instagram and I pondered on it. I asked some of my friends the question and most of them gave me interesting answers. Their answers involved them taking risk, doing something new, challenging status quo, doing things that can be considered a daredevil venture etc. Well, I believe most of us reading this right now may give answers similar to theirs, it is good to know that most of us would love to go the distance with that kind of mindset. But, the question really on my mind is what is stopping most of us from doing those things we thought of when we read this question, what is holding us back? Well this is it; we are afraid of failing and why are we afraid of failure, it is because we don’t believe in our capacity and ability, we don’t believe that most of those things we envision we can achieve in one word, we lack SELF-BELIEF. I would be talking to us about that today, because it is key for us as individuals, if we lack this, it will be practically impossible to achieve success. Bear this in mind as you are reading this, most of those things you said you would do if you know you can’t fail, are the things that really define you, they are the things you really love, and will make you happy and fulfilled.

What is self-belief? Some text define it as the attitude, to believe in your ability, a friend of mine defines it as positive thinking, I will be going with the later because self-belief is just about you having a positive mindset. I have said it severally in most of my publication ‘as a man thinketh so is he’ the key to having a positive attitude is having a positive mind. When you lack self-belief it is usually accompanied with feeling of inferiority and sadness. Most of us know that we are better than who we are presently, we deserve more than what we are getting out of live, but because we don’t dare to make that change, or take that one drastic step that will change everything, we are still stuck in the same situation we have always being in. And why don’t we take that decision, it is because we don’t trust ourselves enough, we don’t feel we are good enough, we don’t believe in our ability. I once met a lady who lacked self-belief she blamed it on her parents especially her dad because she claimed they made her feel she was not good enough, this was what I told her and am also going to be saying it to all of us that feel the same way about your parents, teacher or spouse; ‘no one can make you feel inferior without your consent’ as Les Brown would say; ‘don’t let someone else opinion of you become your reality’. You need to start believing in yourself, because it is only by doing that, you can start knowing your shortcomings and limitation, if you don’t believe in yourself enough to try something new, you will never know what you are good or not good at and what you need to learn to better yourself.

We should learn to adopt this and start believing in ourselves, in our talents or God given ability. No great leader we see and admire today lacks self-belief because if they do not believe in themselves they how do you expect others to believe in them? I throw the same question back to us all so that we can all ponder on, how do you expect others to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. The good news is, self-belief is learnable and as we go on we will focus on learning it. Let me conclude by saying this you are capable of a lot more than you think, always have this at the back of your mind. This is where I leave you for today just keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

A new day is here again, and you know what that means, it signifies a new start for you, and for us here, a new day signifies a new motivational piece to keep you fired up and hungry for success. On our previous piece we spoke about having the right mindset of money and role models we should emulate in that regard. So I believe at this point we all have the same mindset or perception of what money really is, except you have not read the previous piece, which I will strongly advice you do to avoid being lost on the way. So today we will focus on how to use money wisely to ensure you don’t run dry of cash.

To be financially free comes with a big price, and most of it is centered on self-discipline, the ability of you to be in control of your emotions is a very great skill and does not come easy, it takes constant practice and tenacity to achieve the discipline that you need to handle finance. It entails you depriving yourself of some immediate pleasure for a future gain. The last statement shows that for you to be able to handle cash you must be a good visionary, because if you can’t envision the future, you won’t see the need to starve yourself of the little cares around you.

George Clason, a very prolific writer gave some of the disciplines one needs to practice in his book “The Richest Man In Babylon’’. It is a book more than fifty years old but because of the rich treasures embedded in its pages; it has being immortalized and have being a guiding principle to the rich. Because of the simplicity of his text we will be taking insight from his book, and as you read bear in mind these are the principles that made some people you admire today financially free:

Pay yourself first
One of the lessons learned from this book you should pay yourself first before spending. You can call it me tax If you like but you need to appreciate yourself for a job well done.

Live below your means
Controlling your expenditures enables us to make good use of the money we have left over after have paid ourselves. Budget your expenses so that you may have money for your enjoyment and to gratify your worthwhile desires without spending more than nine-tenth of your earnings. In his own words;” learn to live on 70% of your earning and save 30%”. This could vary with individuals but the least you should save is 30%.

Make your money work for you
This is more about investing your money and letting it work for you even though you’re not there.

Insurance Protects your wealth
This helps in safeguarding our wealth by absorbing potential loss and mitigating our financial situation. It is a proactive approach and one we should take and not forget.

Your home is your biggest expense
Your home is potentially the biggest expense you have to tackle and managing it smartly is something you have to learn in his own words; “own thy dwelling”.

Have a retirement plan
Setting aside money to be invested upon retirement is surely a smart thing to do. The earlier you start the retirement planning process, the better for you.

Invest in yourself
The best way to increase earnings is to invest in yourself; which is continually learning and striving to develop yourself and this has been made a lot easier since we’re in the information age where technology and information are readily available via the internet

Track your wealth
In order to know where you are financially, you need to face the truth of the current situation. It is done by tracking wealth and/or lack thereof. A major difference between wealthy people and those who are not is that wealthy people know their net worth while the poor do not pay particular attention nor care about their assets and liabilities.

Observe that from no 3 it involves you using your money, the problem most people have with saving is this; people save money only to use it on the mature toys I mentioned in our previous article, the essence of saving, is to invest the money on something worthwhile to bring back more cash for you, so money is basically a tool to work for you and not you working endlessly for. I will strongly recommend that we all should the text and read it, believe me when I say you will be very happy you did. This is where I leave you for today but I urge us all to practice these principle one at a time, don’t rush into practicing all you will get exhausted and probably crash on the way, start from baby strides before taking the giant steps. Like I always say, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Yesterday I was with a friend, and while we spoke the issue of money became part of the conversation. He spoke about all the things he would do when he has money, you know the normal talk and please don’t pretend because at some point we had either fantasized or even said the things we will do. Speaking  about doing this and that is not bad; the only issue was the things he wanted to do with the money like buy a fancy car, go on luxury trips, etc. I believe our meeting was kind of timely and fate wanted our path to cross yesterday because I haven’t seen him in a while. Secondly I met him when the topic we have chosen to talk about this week is riches. From our previous discussions if you recall we mentioned what constitutes real riches and money or financial security/freedom was the least though very common. Due to popular demand we will be talking about that today and I hope that very good friend of mine is reading this because he was actually the inspiration for this.
One of the reasons why people remain in a particular financial state is because of the perception they have about money. People see money as a tool to just acquire possessions that they want and not what they need. In real sense most people are like kids buying toys that they don’t really need, only difference is since they are much older, they need older toys thus the toy car they wanted as kids translate to a fancy car, the amusement park they wanted to go to translate to luxury trips. Now, don’t get me wrong I believe is good to give yourself a treat once in a while but the purpose of you doing that is very important. Most people who do most of the things I spoke of above usually don’t have a good financial plan, the spend way above what they have without plans of getting what they have spent back.
Sometimes I blame most of this on pop culture and I will tell you why; most people especially youths love and adore music stars, movie star, models etc. this people usually portray a life style of extravagance and luxury to their viewers which I believe is all part of entertainment, but what their audience pick out of all this is the lifestyle. So what do you expect from a young lady who sees ‘’Keeping Up With The Kardashians’’ all the time. She would model her life after them and would literally want to keep up with them same applies to a young man who patronize a similar show. If most of these stars could actually take their time and show their audience the sacrifice, energy and sweat they put into their craft, I believe it will do a lot more for their audience. Now let me ask do you feel that these superstars run their show without a good financial plan? I believe certainly not.
Before I go let me give you this advice; if you want to know how to use your money, don’t look at a rapper, actor or model look at people like Bill Gates, Richard Brandson, Elon Musk, Mark Zukerberg, Jack Ma etc. Follow their examples get into their minds and know the way they think via their books and publications. You would be surprised what you will learn. Our next discussion will be on how to use money wisely, to ensure you don’t run dry of cash. So this is where I leave you for today, like I always say keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top SAAKPE(that is goodbye in TIV language).

Monday, 12 June 2017

Is a very beautiful morning in my part of the world, actually am just getting up from my bed so let me first of all say a quick good morning to you all. Also, if you reading this and is not morning over there just bear it in mind that the greeting also covers you (or you could just pretend is morning over there as).

In our previous meeting we were able to discuss and talk about the wrong ideology people have about riches or wealth and I hope we were all inspired by that. Today will be a sequel to the previous publication and we will be focusing on what real wealth/riches constitute of. At this junction I would love to add, if you happen to be joining us for the 1st time, I recommend you read the previous publication in order not to be lost along the way.

Quick question; what does real riches/wealth constitutes of? I don’t read minds but I guess 7 out of 10 persons reading this right now just thought a five letter word called M.O.N.E.Y. if this is your answer you so wrong. There is more to being wealthy than just having money. Being wealthy entails you to be successful in every area of your life. You having a robust bank account or steady cash is merely a marker or sign of success.  Let me use this analogy; someone who is suffering from a sickness like malaria usually displays some signs/symptoms like fever, red sore eyes etc. In the same way, wealth has its own markers and money just one out of the many. Now, let me shock you further among all the markers of wealth, money is the least and that is why the most common and easiest to achieve to achieve.

I believe at this point most of you would be wondering what the other markers are right.  Napoleon Hill was a great writer and one of the greatest men who found the keys to riches and did not just use them, but also taught its principle to others to use. His principles have being a guide to wealthy individuals for generations, his book can be found on the shelf of most successful individuals. In his most famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, he gave a detailed yet simple explanation of what constitutes riches

Let’s see what Napoleon Hill says constitutes real riches;

1. A positive mental attitude
You can’t be having a negative mental attitude and be rich, so I understand why this is topping the list.

2. Physical health
I understand why it is said that Health is wealth because if you don’t have good physical health, you’ll spend a fortune trying to get healthy and then go poor in the process.

3. Harmony in human relations
No man is an island of himself so you have to be in harmony with other people around you.

4. Freedom from fear

5. Hope of future achievements

6. The capacity for applied faith

7. Willingness to share ones blessings with others
8. To be engaged in the labour of love

9. An open mind towards all subjects to all people.

10. Complete self-discipline

 11.Wisdom with which to understand         people

12. Financial security aka financial freedom

These are the 12 key constitute of real riches as you can see, financial freedom is the last on the list. On this note I advise us not to be caught in the euphoria of just acquiring money and then end up not enriching ourselves in the 11 other areas mentioned. This is where I will leave you for today but until the next time we meet, keep working towards success and I will definitely see you at the top.

Sunday, 11 June 2017


Riches which can being seen as having great possessions, abundantly supplied with resources, means or funds; wealthy; well to do; affluent  is a topic of great importance and usually controversial thus, it is no coincidence that it’s coming first on the #Mikemissilesseries. The topic has spanned arguments in all parts of the world as well as in different generations
I am looking at the topic from many standpoints in order to give a concise yet broad view of the topic. Now, I’ve heard people say that they would prefer to be rich and happy; others have said I rather die than be poor. Others believe that rich folks are greedy, wicked, and since we live in a religious society, they believe that all rich people will perish. This has made people to believe that it is spiritual to be poor and if you want to get an eternal reward you must be poor. These are just a few controversies surrounding the topic but as we forge ahead I will try as much as possible to clear the air and provide a paradigm shift to the topic
Now, looking at the topic riches from a religious angle, taking one of the most commonly practiced religion christianity you will discover written in the book of 1 timothy 5:8, clearly points out the fact that a man who does not provide for his relatives and especially members of his household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. That means God acknowledges Providence for family, and if you’re unable to provide, it makes you worse than an unbeliever. This takes us back to the notion earlier mentioned of poor people getting an eternal reward and the rich people will face eternal damnation.  Personally, I believed that while growing up and it cost me a lot of things and caused me so many set backs.
I strongly feel that most Christians have this ideology due to the story about Lazarus and the Rich man, who were poor and rich respectively in the gospel of Luke chapter 16. Now, while Lazarus made heaven, the rich man made hades and was in torment. I’ll love to point out here that the bible never recorded that it was their bank account statements that determined their lot as regards to where they went. I believed, it was the fact that the rich man never knew God and Lazarus was born again that took them to hades and heaven respectively.
I Ameh Michael, say today by virtue of this article to the Christian folks that God is an advocate of riches and of wealth. The God of Christians is not a poor God and as such does not celebrate lack. I also say that both Lazarus and the Rich man could have made heaven if he (the rich man) had known God. Christians today need embrace and strive for a life of abundance as a life of abundance is what God has in store for them.
Now for the muslim folks out there, I am not really vast in the teachings of the Qur’an but it is recorded in one of the surahs that the upper hand is better than the lower hand, meaning it is better to give than to receive. That means, Islam also promotes giving and I believe you cannot give what you do not have.

We need to come to understand that religion is not supposed to make us poor. Let us make progress in living the life of plenty and of abundance that our religion has called us to live. The next article will be centered on telling us what real riches constitute but until then, keep working towards success and see you at the top.