Monday, 30 January 2017
Its cool to live like Bill Gates isn't it? Or if you are into actors I guess it will be cool to live like Johnny Depp to be able to afford an island right? But, I believe w for us to do that we should ask the right questions. Mostly, we only care about the success story, we know the new stuff they have bought the place they went to for a vacation or their new contribution to a foundation but, there is something we forget how they made it all happen, we forget the struggle story which is the most important. Most stars we see to no matter the field they are in had different trials on their path to success which helped to mold them into the great monument of achievement they are today. The issue is the average mind don't see it from that perspective, they just want the fruit but they tend to forget you need to get your hands in the dirt and plant the seed, nurture through dedication and hardwork to produce that sweet succulent fruit of success. Any person that won a battle must have battle scars. Those scars are there as a reminder of what happened, what he saw, what he conquered and most importantly, to inspire him to cherish and respect that battle he won either from an addiction, poverty or what ever it was that the individual was going through. To make it simpler; no success came easy and if you not ready to face the challenge then, you can't be successful because is the challenges you face that makes you a champ at the end.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
One of the greatest book I know is the Bible and, there is a quote from the bible I love and this is it; "as a man thinketh so he is". Now, this is true but what the real issue is if you ask me, is not how a man thinks but rather, what makes a man think the way he does. Most people don't know that the way they think can be shaped. What shapens the thought of a man are basically the things he has seen or heard during different episodes of his existence. In my last article I wrote on fear and I said that fear, is merely false evidence created by your thought process against the actuall reality. Now using the little child that is scared of the dark as an illustration, why is she scared of the dark? There is the possibility that she has either seen a Scary movie, read a goose bumps book or listened to a scary story told by an adult. Now, what do you expect her to think when you tell her to go to bed and you switch off the lights? I believe the answer is obvious, all the scary stories, movies and books now come to play and her mind produces that as reality. If she did not listen to a scary story or see a scary movie, her mind won't produce that reality. These also apply to adults what ever you have seen or heard about business, relationship, parenting etc your mind is going to pick up either consciously or unconsciously and work on them. This makes us scared of taking major decision that would greatly change our lives. The mind is like the body; if you were to feed on chocolate everyday you are mostly likely to get diabetes or become obese. If you don't feed the mind with the right books, audios, video or even pictures and you feed it with all the negative junks, your mind will act on those junks you fed it. This goes beyond just dealing with fear, it also applys to different areas of life. So, in conclusion feed your mind with good books, listen to positive messages from audios, friends, family, see a motivational video or picture and you will be shocked how these little habits will go a long way in propelling you to success.
Friday, 27 January 2017
"Courage they say is not the absence of fear is taking action despite fear". An old Africa adage says "courage is well concealed fear". But, what is actually fear because all these definitions only explained courage but does not fully define fear.
Well, I say fear is simply:
F= False
E= Evidence
A= Against
R= Reality
Now, why is fear false evidence against reality? Is simple is because what you are afraid of in true sense does not exist. Let me use an example of a little girl afraid of the dark she is not really afraid of the dark she is afraid of what she thinks may happen to her in the dark. Now, those things she think of are not truly existing are they? Well I guess we all know the answer to that. She actually creates her fear by her thought process and brings them to life. So, technically if she does not think it she won't feel the emotion of fear and this also applys to us in every scenario of our life be it starting a new business, entering a new relationship, or even parenting. We think and create our false evidence and finally place it against reality and name it fear. If we don't deal with this emotion, it has the ability of killing the dreams you most treasure, living you high and dry and you will be left with nothing but regret. The next article will be centered on how to develop the right thought process that will aid in combating fear but on until that time, keep living your dreams and see you at the top.
Well, I say fear is simply:
F= False
E= Evidence
A= Against
R= Reality
Now, why is fear false evidence against reality? Is simple is because what you are afraid of in true sense does not exist. Let me use an example of a little girl afraid of the dark she is not really afraid of the dark she is afraid of what she thinks may happen to her in the dark. Now, those things she think of are not truly existing are they? Well I guess we all know the answer to that. She actually creates her fear by her thought process and brings them to life. So, technically if she does not think it she won't feel the emotion of fear and this also applys to us in every scenario of our life be it starting a new business, entering a new relationship, or even parenting. We think and create our false evidence and finally place it against reality and name it fear. If we don't deal with this emotion, it has the ability of killing the dreams you most treasure, living you high and dry and you will be left with nothing but regret. The next article will be centered on how to develop the right thought process that will aid in combating fear but on until that time, keep living your dreams and see you at the top.
Monday, 23 January 2017
- There is an old adage that says "if people are getting jealous of you, then you are probably recording success" this tend to be true because nobody can be jealous of someone who is not successful. How strange it will be you hear someone say "hey look at Mr. John he is broke and homeless and he always need financial help I want to be like him" that will be the weirdest thing ever. But the issue is, most persons that are usually envious of others are persons that have the capacity to be even greater than the person they are envious of not but never took action. You usually hear them make comments like; he feels he is this, he feels he is that. In my country Nigeria the usual lingo used is this; he jus dey busy dey form activity, he jus dey feel himself(this simply means he is putting up an act of being busy and feeling pompous) then they usually crown it up by saying; I fit do all this things way him dey do na me no jus wan do am(this means if I wanted to do it I would I don't just feel like). To give you a little shocker the last statement is true in the sense that life is about choice and you choose not to make an impact thus you choose to remain ordinary. So, if this be the case I have a question why chose to be jealous of someone else that made the choice you rejected? It does not make sense at all and let me tell you something you may probably know the moment you get jealous of someone, you can never get to the level of success they have achieved. Instead of being green with envy, let me give you a little tip celebrate who ever has achieved something that you have not achieved and you hope maybe one day to achieve. Give them a firm handshake, thank them for being a motivation, become friends with them, ask them about their challenges on their journey towards greatness because you about to go on the same journey. This may sound like nothing, but this action alone, will move you closer towards success compared to envy which will only take you a step backwards.
Sunday, 22 January 2017
Michael Jordan was born in 1963, in the slums of Brooklyn, New York.
He had four siblings and his father's earnings were not sufficient to provide for the whole family.
He grew up in a poor neighbourhood. Exposed to mindless violence and heavy discrimination in the slums, he saw for himself only a hopeless future.
His father saw in Michael, a lost soul and decided to do something.
He gave Michael, who was 13 years old, a piece of used clothing and asked: "What do you think the value of this outfit would be?"
Jordan replied,"Maybe one dollar."
His father asked, "Can you sell it for two dollars? If you can sell it, it would mean that you are a big help to your family."
Jordan nodded his head, "I'll try, but no guarantee that I'll be successful."
Jordan carefully washed the cloth clean. Because they didn't have an iron, to smoothen the cloth, he levelled it with a clothes brush on a flat board, then kept it in the sun to dry. The next day, he brought the clothes to a crowded underground station. After offering it for more than six hours. Jordan finally managed to sell it for $2. He took the two dollar bill and ran home.
After that, everyday he looked for used clothing, washed and ironed it, and sold it in the crowd.
More than ten days later, his father again gave him a piece of used clothing, "Can you think of a way you can sell this for 20 bucks?"
Aghast, Jordan said, "How is it possible? This outfit can only fetch two dollars at the most."
His father replied, "Why don't you try it first? There might be a way."
After breaking his head for a few hours, finally, Jordan got an idea.
He asked for cousin's helpto paint a picture of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the garment. Then he tried to sell it in the school where the children of the rich study.
Soon a housekeeper, who was there to pick his master, bought that outfit for his master. The master was a little boy of only 10 years. He loved it so much and he gave a five dollar tip. 25 dollars was a huge amount for Jordan, the equivalent of a month's salary of his father.
When he got home, his father gave him yet another piece of used clothing, "Are you able to resell it at a price of 200 dollars?" Jordan's eyes lit up.
This time, Jordan accepted the clothes without the slightest doubt. Two months later a popular movie actress from the movie "Charlie's Angels", Farah Fawcett came to New York for her Movie promos. After the press conference, Jordan made his way through the security forces to reach the side of Farah Fawcett and requested her autograph on the piece of clothing. When Fawcett saw this innocent child asking for her autograph, she gladly signed it.
Jordan was shouting very excitedly, "This is a jersey signed by Miss Farah Fawcett, the selling price is 200 dollars!" He auctioned off the clothes, to a businessman for a price of 1,200 dollars!
Upon returning home, his father broke into TEARS and said, "I am amazed that you did it My child! You're really great! "
That night, Jordan slept alongside his father. His father said, "Son, in your experience selling these three pieces of clothing, what did you learn about success?"
Jordan replied, "Where there's a will, there's a way."
His father nodded his head, then shook his head, "What you say is not entirely wrong! But that was not my intention. I just wanted to show you that a piece of used clothing which is worth only a dollar can also be increased in value, Then how about us - living & thinking humans? We may be darker and poorer, but what if we CAN increase our VALUE."
This thought enlightened young Jordan. Even a piece of used clothing could be made dignified, then why not me? There is absolutely no reason to underestimate myself.
From then on, Michael Jordan felt that his future would be beautiful and full of hope.
He went on to become the greatest basketball player of all times.
How can I increase my own value? I am finding it a very interesting thought. I am sure, you too, will.
Article by Inspiration Club
He had four siblings and his father's earnings were not sufficient to provide for the whole family.
He grew up in a poor neighbourhood. Exposed to mindless violence and heavy discrimination in the slums, he saw for himself only a hopeless future.
His father saw in Michael, a lost soul and decided to do something.
He gave Michael, who was 13 years old, a piece of used clothing and asked: "What do you think the value of this outfit would be?"
Jordan replied,"Maybe one dollar."
His father asked, "Can you sell it for two dollars? If you can sell it, it would mean that you are a big help to your family."
Jordan nodded his head, "I'll try, but no guarantee that I'll be successful."
Jordan carefully washed the cloth clean. Because they didn't have an iron, to smoothen the cloth, he levelled it with a clothes brush on a flat board, then kept it in the sun to dry. The next day, he brought the clothes to a crowded underground station. After offering it for more than six hours. Jordan finally managed to sell it for $2. He took the two dollar bill and ran home.
After that, everyday he looked for used clothing, washed and ironed it, and sold it in the crowd.
More than ten days later, his father again gave him a piece of used clothing, "Can you think of a way you can sell this for 20 bucks?"
Aghast, Jordan said, "How is it possible? This outfit can only fetch two dollars at the most."
His father replied, "Why don't you try it first? There might be a way."
After breaking his head for a few hours, finally, Jordan got an idea.
He asked for cousin's helpto paint a picture of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the garment. Then he tried to sell it in the school where the children of the rich study.
Soon a housekeeper, who was there to pick his master, bought that outfit for his master. The master was a little boy of only 10 years. He loved it so much and he gave a five dollar tip. 25 dollars was a huge amount for Jordan, the equivalent of a month's salary of his father.
When he got home, his father gave him yet another piece of used clothing, "Are you able to resell it at a price of 200 dollars?" Jordan's eyes lit up.
This time, Jordan accepted the clothes without the slightest doubt. Two months later a popular movie actress from the movie "Charlie's Angels", Farah Fawcett came to New York for her Movie promos. After the press conference, Jordan made his way through the security forces to reach the side of Farah Fawcett and requested her autograph on the piece of clothing. When Fawcett saw this innocent child asking for her autograph, she gladly signed it.
Jordan was shouting very excitedly, "This is a jersey signed by Miss Farah Fawcett, the selling price is 200 dollars!" He auctioned off the clothes, to a businessman for a price of 1,200 dollars!
Upon returning home, his father broke into TEARS and said, "I am amazed that you did it My child! You're really great! "
That night, Jordan slept alongside his father. His father said, "Son, in your experience selling these three pieces of clothing, what did you learn about success?"
Jordan replied, "Where there's a will, there's a way."
His father nodded his head, then shook his head, "What you say is not entirely wrong! But that was not my intention. I just wanted to show you that a piece of used clothing which is worth only a dollar can also be increased in value, Then how about us - living & thinking humans? We may be darker and poorer, but what if we CAN increase our VALUE."
This thought enlightened young Jordan. Even a piece of used clothing could be made dignified, then why not me? There is absolutely no reason to underestimate myself.
From then on, Michael Jordan felt that his future would be beautiful and full of hope.
He went on to become the greatest basketball player of all times.
How can I increase my own value? I am finding it a very interesting thought. I am sure, you too, will.
Article by Inspiration Club
Friday, 20 January 2017
1japanese have always loved fresh fishπ ππ π
But the water close to Japan has not held many fishπ π for decades.
2. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever.
The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fishπ ππ π
If the return trip took more time, the fish π ππ π were not fresh.
3. To solve this problem, fish π π companies installed freezers on their boats.
They would catch the fish π π and freeze them at sea.
Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer.
However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fishπ π and they did not like the taste of frozen fish π π
The frozen fishπ π brought a lower price.
4. So, fishing companies installed fish tanks.
They would catch the fish π π and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin.
After a little thrashing around, they were tired, dull, and lost their fresh-fish taste.
The fishing industry faced an impending crisis!
5. But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan.
How did they manage...?
6. To keep the fishπ ππ tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fishπ ππ in the tanks but with a small sharkππ
The fishπ ππ are challenged and hence are constantly on the move.
The challenge they face keeps them alive and fresh!
Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired and dull....?
1. Basically in our lives, sharks ππ are new challenges to keep us active.
2. If you are steadily conquering
challenges, you are happy.
3. Your challenges keep you energized.
4. Challenges are Driving Forces for Innovations and the foundation blocks upon which Successes, Achievements and Progresses evolve
5. A life without challenges is a dull, boring, complacent and uninspiring one.
6. In challenges are opportunities to keep refreshed and re-invigorated.
1. So our prayers should not be to have a challenge-free life but for God to equip us with abilities to overcome.
2. Donβt create Success and revel in it in a state of inertia.
3. Always view challenges positively. God Has equipped us with the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.
4 Put a shark ππ in your tank in the year 2017 and see how far you can really go...
But the water close to Japan has not held many fishπ π for decades.
2. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever.
The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fishπ ππ π
If the return trip took more time, the fish π ππ π were not fresh.
3. To solve this problem, fish π π companies installed freezers on their boats.
They would catch the fish π π and freeze them at sea.
Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer.
However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fishπ π and they did not like the taste of frozen fish π π
The frozen fishπ π brought a lower price.
4. So, fishing companies installed fish tanks.
They would catch the fish π π and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin.
After a little thrashing around, they were tired, dull, and lost their fresh-fish taste.
The fishing industry faced an impending crisis!
5. But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan.
How did they manage...?
6. To keep the fishπ ππ tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fishπ ππ in the tanks but with a small sharkππ
The fishπ ππ are challenged and hence are constantly on the move.
The challenge they face keeps them alive and fresh!
Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired and dull....?
1. Basically in our lives, sharks ππ are new challenges to keep us active.
2. If you are steadily conquering
challenges, you are happy.
3. Your challenges keep you energized.
4. Challenges are Driving Forces for Innovations and the foundation blocks upon which Successes, Achievements and Progresses evolve
5. A life without challenges is a dull, boring, complacent and uninspiring one.
6. In challenges are opportunities to keep refreshed and re-invigorated.
1. So our prayers should not be to have a challenge-free life but for God to equip us with abilities to overcome.
2. Donβt create Success and revel in it in a state of inertia.
3. Always view challenges positively. God Has equipped us with the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.
4 Put a shark ππ in your tank in the year 2017 and see how far you can really go...
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
A friend once asked why was I so different for some strange reason that I could not lay my hands on, I tried my best to convince him that I was not different. I never knew that I was doing myself much harm than good. I was putting myself in the majority box now please don't get me wrong. Am not saying is a sin being with the majority but, what I have come to realize overtime growing up is this; the majority are always closed minded and not flexible to change so they conform to societal norms. This make individuals in the majority to produce average results and not to bring out that unique spark in them. Anything that makes you different must make you stand out but when you try to hide it from the world out of fear of not been accepted you will unconsciously be dimming your spark until it eventually dies. I fought hard to win that battle of public acceptance but then I realized that the more they accepted me, the more I detested and rejected myself. In the long run I won and I accepted the fact that is was OK to have a different opinion, that is was OK to talk different, it was OK to act different and most especially that it was OK to be entirely different. Now, this is for someone out there with the same dilemma always remember this no one ever became great by following the crowd. Check the record of every great individual that ever walked the face of this earth and you will realize that the golden thread that connects them all, no matter their age, race, religion sex or philosophy was the fact that they were different. In conclusion, if whatever has being written does not make any sense to you i just want you to bear this in mind being you is enough and that is all you will ever need. Goodbye for now and see you at the top.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
You should be able to Stand up for what you believe in.
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Hello everyone and welcome to brain wash to success. This will be the official first post published we want to use this medium to assure you of our commitment to which is to provide you with tips, that will be useful in your day to day activities and will ultimately help in your journey towards success.
We don't claim to have all the answers but we will try our best to be of help in any little way we can as much as possible and we pray the little solution we proffer guide to ultimate life success welcome to BRAINWASH2SUCCESS
We don't claim to have all the answers but we will try our best to be of help in any little way we can as much as possible and we pray the little solution we proffer guide to ultimate life success welcome to BRAINWASH2SUCCESS
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